Guided Trips in Baja

Partner Up With Friends and Travel with our amazing Guides on a Custom Trip

New in 2024-25, Peace Vans will be offering a very limited set of guided trips around our much loved routes in southern Baja. These trips require rental of at least 3 of our vans and the hiring of our amazing guides, Carmen and Jordan. Together - Peace Vans, you and Carmen and Jordan will plot out the perfect trip for you and your friends/family and guide you along the way. All meals, beverages, excursions and more will be customized to your dreams. Trips can be as short as 3 nights or as long as 6 nights. Prices start at $495/night per van and $500 per day for guided services. Meals, beverages and other extras will be quoted per trip based on your needs.

About our Guides: Jordan and Carmen

We have been lucky enough to know and work with Jordan and Carmen for a handful of years and to say you will be in good hands is a gross understatement. From finding secret taco spots and beaches, to cooking gourmet meals by the campfire, to prepping the perfect happy hour - Jordan and Carmen set the bar high and easily exceed it. It’s not to far fetched to say you’re not just getting guides and cooks, but also life long friends.

Guided Trip FAQ

“Our five vintage Vanagons pass through several seasons—from bluebird skies to dense downpours—along our journey toward what to many travelers is still a great unknown. It’s as far away as possible from the raucous Cabo San Lucas, and that’s how we like it. There’s no cell service, and for the first time in a long time, I’m alone with my thoughts in this remote, relatively untouched part of Baja California Sur.”